Thursday, February 3, 2011


Just feeling nostalgic.
It's crazy to think that we took these engagement photos almost two years ago because I remember it like yesterday. It was slightly raining, so I was freaking out about my hair. We both hadn't eaten for hours and we were starving. I wanted to wear the best outfit ever, but in the end stayed really casual, because who are we faking?....Ed and I are not exactly hipsters or high fashion. Most of all though, we were so giddy. I like the last picture, it's totally weird, and it's totally us. Don't get me wrong, I love being married, but I will never get tired of thinking about when we were dating and engaged. SO GIDDY. happy, smiley, silly, butterflies all the time, and we didn't care about anything else in the world. Marriage puts you back down on earth, but in a good way. I'm so thankful for every minute I have spent with my Edward.

hmmm...that was kind of a Valentine's post wasn't it?

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